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Library of Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Elsevier training on science communication and publishing for staff PhD and undergraduate students

Date: 23.02.2021

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

The Vice-Rector for Science, Professor Andrzej Ożyhar invites for March online trainings in science communication and publishing dedicated to the staff and doctoral students and undergraduate students of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

The trainings will be conducted in English by Mrs Katarzyna Gaca-Zając, PhD, graduate of the University of Strathclyde, with nearly a decade of experience in research and teaching in Europe, specialist in databases and Elsevier solutions for researchers.

The trainings will be held remotely. To join the training, simply click on the relevant link under the selected date, a few minutes before the scheduled start.

  • Smart journal choice

    The aim of this training is to familiarize scientists, PhD students and undergraduate students with good practices in journal selection, tools and bibliometric indicators that enable selection and evaluation of scientific journals. Participants will also learn the rules that should be kept in mind when using bibliometric indicators and will also learn what tools can be used to smartly choose a good journal to publish their research work. The training also covers publishing model choice, such as open access and subscription models.

    Training date:
    1st March. 13.00-14.15

  • Peer-review process

    During this training we will discuss in detail the matter of peer-review process, which is carried out prior to publication of papers in reputable scientific journals. Both the process and the rules of peer-review will be presented, as well as advice and suggestions from editors and reviewers will be given, explaining what to pay attention to when responding to the reviewers’ comments.

    Training date:
    8 th March, 13.00-14.00

  • Ethics in scientific communication

    This webinar is dedicated to everyone interested in the core principles of ethics in scholarly communication, especially in scholarly publishing. Basic principles, potential consequences of ethical misconduct, as well as the scope of rights and responsibilities of authors, editors and reviewers will be discussed. The webinar will also cover the subject of predatory journals and publishers, with a special focus on what the author ought to expect from a scientific publisher.

    Training date:
    15th March 13.00-14.00
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