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The pool of articles for 2024 has been exhausted.
List of gold open access and hybrid journals covered by the program
The program is intended for corresponding authors affiliated with institutions participating in the consortium. In 2025, the program covers 90 journals published by ACS (all titles from the list of journals available in 2025 are covered by the open publishing program), including 71 hybrid journals and 19 open access journals. The program includes all types of articles except: Additions and Corrections, Expressions of Concern and Retractions. The program allows open publication under the CC-BY license free of charge for authors of a certain number of articles accepted for publicatio in the current year. The pool is not divided into institutions. Articles are included in the program in the order in which they are accepted for publication (the "Manuscript Acceptance Date" is decisive, sometimes referred to in articles as the "Revised" date).
Initializing the program:
The corresponding author submitting the article completes the online form ("online manuscript submission process") in which he should select his affiliation from the list of institutions. After accepting the article for publication, the author completes the Journal Publishing Agreement (JPA) form. The form automatically recognizes whether the article is eligible for the program based on the previously indicated affiliation and offers the author OA publication under the program while retaining copyright.
Contact regarding the ACS open publishing program:
American Chemical Society:
Program administrator:
The ACM program is intended for corresponding authors affiliated with the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The cost of publishing an Open Access article is paid in advance by Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The agreement is valid from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027.
The offer includes the possibility of publishing in both ACM journals and conference proceedings. The current list of publications is available at:
Terms of use of the ACM publishing program:
Initializing the program:
When the article is accepted for publication, the author will receive an e-mail from ACM Rights Review with information about the agreement between Wrocław University of Science and Technology and ACM. Once linked to the ACM eRights form, the author should select the "Permission Release" option and will then be asked to select their preferred Creative Commons license. The choice of CC license rests solely with the Author.
Additional information:
Publisher FAQ's:
Publisher’s Guide for Open Access Author:
Contact regarding the ACM open publishing program:
List of gold open access and hybrid journals covered by the program. Unlimited pool.
Terms of use of the CUP publishing program:
Initializing the program:
The corresponding author interested in participating in the program should indicate the affiliation of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology at the stage of sending the article for review. After the review and acceptance of the article by the editorial team of the journal, the author will receive an e-mail with a link to the website of the given journal, which contains the forms necessary to prepare a license agreement. An author who wants to publish an open article should select one of the two forms in the "Open Access Articles" section and select the Creative Commons license version. The choice of form depends on whether the copyright owner of a given publication is the author(s) of the publication or his/her employers. After the author completes and submits the form, the article is sent for approval for publication under the program by the coordinator, and after the process is completed, the author will receive an e-mail confirming that the article will be published open access.
Authors who, after accepting the article, do not receive an OA publication proposal under the CUP program, are asked to contact the coordinator's representative in Poland - EBSCO, at the following address:
Additional information:
CUP Open Publishing Program Guide:
General information about publishing an open CUP:
Terms of the contract with CUP:
The 2025 agreement provides for an unlimited pool of articles. The program allows for publishing in selected Open Science journals [list of titles].
Terms of use of the De Gruyter publishing program:
Initiating the program:
The presentation includes a guide for the author:
New token pool available (8 total).
The program is intended for corresponding authors affiliated with institutions participating in the consortium who have ordered and prepaid for the publication of a specified number of articles.
List of IEEE journals (hybrid and gold open access) covered by the program
Terms of use of the program:
Initiating the program:
A corresponding author interested in participating in the program should indicate their affiliation with Wrocław University of Science and Technology when sending their article for review, and then, after receiving notification that their article has been accepted for publication, use the RightsLink system, where they can choose funding from the pool of articles funded by their institution.
Additional Information:
Author Guide:
IEEE Open Publishing General Information:
Instructions for authors:
RightLinks (publication financing management system):
Rules for distributing articles:
List of IOP hybrid and gold open access journals covered by the program (list A and D):
The agreement provides for an unlimited pool of open articles that can be published by authors affiliated with the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
Terms of use of the IOP publishing program:
Initiating the program:
A corresponding author interested in participating in the program should indicate the affiliation of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology at the stage of filling out the form when sending the manuscript to the journal. Then the author fills out an additional form during the review or immediately after the acceptance of the article. In this form, the author has the option to choose an OA publication within the program and with the preservation of copyright. In the case of such a choice, the system sends information about the article to the program coordinator, who checks whether the appropriate affiliation is given in the article and confirms the inclusion of the article in the program.
Authors who, along with their article acceptance, do not receive an OA publication proposal under the IOP program may contact:
Additional information:
IOP Program Brochure:
General information about the IOP open publishing program in Poland:
Author Guide:
The RSC program will be launched after signing the new contract.
Contract provides for an unlimited pool of open articles that can be published by authors affiliated to institutions participating in the RSC publishing consortium. Consortium agreement with RSC for 50%. is financed from the University budget and co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Terms of use of the RSC publishing program:
Publisher RSC offers authors a choice of two Creative Commons licenses: CC-BY or CC BY-NC.
Initiating the program:
After starting the program, the author who published an article in the current year in a journal that qualifies for the program will receive an e-mail from the RSC Publisher about the possibility of transforming the article along with instructions on how to proceed.
Terms of use of the T&F publishing program:
Initiating the program:
The author submits the article via the standard submission process to the selected participating Taylor & Francis journal. The author will be identified when submitting the article, and the identification will be based on the institutional e-mail domain (… or the standardized name of the institution available in the list of institution names used in the publishing process management system.