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Library of Wrocław University of Science and Technology

New SciFinder platform: webinar

Date: 18.10.2021

This entry may contain inaccurate data.

Date: 20.10.2021
13:00 - 14:00

SciFinder has moved to the new platform SciFindern. Currently both SciFinder and SciFindern platforms are open for the users for easy transition. In the near future the old SciFinder platform will be switched off.

American Chemical Society would like to offer a training to show the users the new platform.

Date: 20th of October 2021, 1.00 pm

Title: Online Training: SciFindern, the newest SciFinder platform

Name of the speakers: Dr. Tetiana Khristova, Sr. Customer Success Manager, Eastern Europe & South Caucasus region

 Agenda for the training:

  1. SciFinderninterface, main capabilities
  2. Reference search, Boolean operators, truncation etc.
  3. PatentPak, tool that will help you to identify important chemical structure in patents
  4. Substance search by name and structure
  5. Reaction search and Synthetic Methods, step-by-step protocols
  6. Retrosynthetic analysis in SciFindern

Join Zoom Meeting (new window)

Meeting ID: 224 770 2113
Password: 296196

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